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匹配条件: “ 齐宏业” ,找到相关结果约11947条。
Research on Key Technologies of Satellite-Borne Muti-Beam Phased Array Antenna

崔子卿, 韩国栋, 宏业
Journal of Antennas (JA) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/JA.2022.113007
Abstract: 本文就制约星载有源多波束相控阵天线工程化应用的有源相控阵多波束收发隔离问题提出了增加扼流结构改善收发隔离度的方法,对多波束射频通道高密度集成技术提出了多通道芯片与化合物芯片的混合集成的方式,对星载高效热控问题提出了主辅散热面相结合、预埋槽道热管的方式,各项技术均经过了仿真验证和工程应用,相关方法可显著提升星载多波束相控阵天线的电气性能和环境适应性,实现天线系统的小型化、高集成度设计。
In this paper, we propose a method of using the choke structure to improve the transmittance isolation of active multi-beam phased array antenna, which restricts the application of satellite-borne multi-beam phased array antenna, and propose a hybrid integration method of multi-channel chip and compound chip for the high-density integration technology of multi-beam radio frequency channel. The method of combining main and auxiliary heat dissipation surfaces and preembedded heat pipe in the side panel is proposed for efficient space-borne thermal control. All the technologies have been verified by simulation and engineering applications. This method can significantly improve the electrical performance and environmental adaptability of space-borne multi-beam phased array antenna, and realize the miniaturization and high integration design of antenna system.
Research on Key Technologies of High Temperature Resistant Phased Array Antenna

崔子卿, 宏业, 刘松涛
Journal of Antennas (JA) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/JA.2023.124005
Abstract: 本文就制约高机动平台相控阵天线工程化应用的外表温度过高的问题提出了表面进行隔热设计、内部进行高效热控的设计思路,提出了一种可应用于隔离300℃~400℃高温的天线隔热罩设计方法,并对天线隔热罩对相控阵天线辐射特性的影响进行了仿真和分析,得出了较厚的隔热罩对天线波束指向、天线增益均存在较大影响,在实际工程应用中,需进行修正和补偿的结论。上述的设计思路和方法均经过了仿真和工程应用,相关方法可显著提升相控阵天线在高机动平台下的电气性能和环境适应性,为研制高性能耐高温相控阵天线样机提供了技术基础。
In order to solve the problem of high surface temperature, which restricts the engineering application of phased array antenna on high mobile platform, this paper puts forward a design idea of sur-face heat insulation design and internal high efficiency thermal control, and puts forward an antenna heat shield design method which can be applied to isolate the high temperature of 300?C ~400?C. The influence of antenna heat shield on the radiation characteristics of phased array antenna is simulated and analyzed. It is concluded that thicker heat shield has great influence on antenna beam direction and antenna gain, and it needs to be corrected and compensated in practical engineering application. The above design ideas and methods have been simulated and applied in engineering, and the relevant methods can significantly improve the electrical performance and environmental adaptability of phased array antenna under high mobility platform, and provide a technical basis for the development of high-performance and high-temperature resistant phased array antenna prototype.
- , 2017, DOI: doi:10.7507/2096-0247.20170078
Abstract: 目的总结临床诊治中的难治性或某些疑为遗传相关的癫痫患儿的临床特点,并对其进行二代高通量基因测序及一代验证,分析突变基因与癫痫之间的关系,了解患儿的遗传模式,寻找致病或可能致病的突变基因。 方法对2014年9月-2016年12月期间在河南省人民医院儿科神经内科门诊确诊癫痫的95例患儿及其父母建立完整家系资料库,采用二代高通量基因测序方法对其进行了基因检测,依据患儿临床特征及基因型进行分析。 结果难治性或疑为遗传相关的患儿年龄发病范围较小,临床发作特点多种多样,多数(47/95, 49.5%)需要两种及以上药物治疗,治疗效果一般,控制27例(28.4%),有效20例(21.1%),显效32例(33.7%),无效12例(12.6%),失访4例(4.2%)。少数(18/95,18.9%)预后较差,合并有运动、智力发育落后。检测基因型结果,明确致病的基因共16例(16.8%),可能致病的基因共21例(22.1%),不致病的基因共30例(31.6%),未检测到突变基因共28例(29.5%)。 结论发现 CASK、BRAF两个新的致病基因,国内报道甚少,在一定意义上扩充了神经发育相关的癫痫基因和癫痫关联基因的数目;SCN1A基因突变所致Dravet综合征的患儿的临床特征更严重,包括起病更早、发作频繁、治疗效果差;有明确致病基因的患儿,多数需要两种及以上抗癫痫药物联合应用,治疗困难
- , 2018, DOI: doi:10.7507/2096-0247.20180020
Abstract: 目的认识低血糖所诱发的抽搐发作,并对其基因型及临床表型分析,加深对高胰岛素血症的认识。 方法收集 2012 年和 2014 年分别在河南省人民医院儿科神经门诊以抽搐症状就诊的 2 例患儿,经抗癫痫药物(AEDs)治疗 1 年余效果不佳,分别进行家系全外显子检测。 结果1 例患儿发现 ABCC8 基因突变,突变位置位于 11 号染色体,核酸变化: c.4607C> T( exon38),氨基酸改变: p.A1536V, rs745918247,该遗传方式可为常染色体显性遗传,也可为常染色体隐形遗传,患儿父母亲在该位点均为野生型,该基因突变与家族性高胰岛素低血糖 1 型/胰岛细胞增生症相关联。另 1 例患儿检测结果为 GLUD1 基因突变,突变位置位于 10 号染色体,核酸变化: c.1498G> A( exon12),氨基酸改变: p.A500T,该遗传方式为常染色体显性遗传,父母亲在该位点均为野生型,该基因突变与家族性高胰岛素低血糖 6 型/胰岛细胞增生症相关联。此 2 个基因突变位点目前国内外尚未见相关报道,为新发突变。 结论上述 2 个基因位点突变可能是导致低血糖抽搐的根本原因,也是 AEDs 控制不佳的最好解释
中国公共卫生 , 2004, DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2004-20-05-52
Abstract: ?为了解我市蔬菜农药污染及残留现状,建立和完善对食品污染物的监测程序,为政府建立食品卫生安全政策、法规、标准提供依据,沈阳市疾病控制中心于2003年对沈阳市市售蔬菜中农药残留现状进行了调查。现报告如下。
地质与勘探 , 2014,
Abstract: 新近发现的圪塔山口含镍铜矿化镁铁-超镁铁质岩体位于新疆东天山黄山-镜儿泉镍铜矿带东端,共有4个镁铁-超镁铁质岩体,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ号岩体均见镍铜硫化物矿化,研究表明其形成时代(282Ma)及岩浆来源与东天山地区其它铜镍矿化镁铁-超镁铁质岩体一致。本文对主要造岩矿物橄榄石及副矿物尖晶石进行了显微镜下观察及电子探针分析,结果表明橄榄石Fo值介于83.1~86.6之间,平均85.2,为贵橄榄石,其Ni含量变化于1273×10-6~2719×10-6,平均1918×10-6;尖晶石根据铝含量的不同可以分为高铝和低铝两种。圪塔山口岩浆为地幔源区发生15.8%~18.8%的部分熔融,并有过剩橄榄石加入的玄武质岩浆经结晶分异作用形成的派生岩浆。对橄榄石分离结晶和硫化物熔离的计算模拟表明橄榄石结晶前,岩浆已经达到S饱和,结晶过程始终伴随硫化物的熔离作用,虽然早期结晶的橄榄石与硫化物熔体间发生了Fe-Ni交换,但仍有很好的铜镍成矿潜力。
社会学研究 , 1995,
Abstract: 国内外许多关注中国的人,出于各种目的,不断地提出:“中国的改革开放会不会停滞?中国的发展方向会不会发生逆转?”安徽凤台县中心村的农民以自己的实际行动告诉人们,经过了几十年风风雨雨洗礼的中国农民决不允许时光倒转,他们将汇入改革开放的大潮,一无反顾地坚定地走下去。
300 MW汽轮机中低压缸连通管的改造与节能分析
- , 2016, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-4729.2016.06.005
Abstract: 对“单双单”双截止阀型汽轮机中低压缸连通管及阀门的节流消除进行了改造,将单双单双截止阀型中低压缸连通管改造为“倒U单管”单蝶阀型新式中低压缸连通管,并从流体力学和热力学的角度对改造系统进行分析.结果表明,改造后节流损失明显消除,机组TRL工况下发电煤耗降低了0.641 7 g/kWh,发电能力提高了0.614 4 MW,该方案普遍适合上海汽轮机厂300 MW旧型机组的推广,具有广泛的经济效益与社会效益.;Based on the reconstruction of single double single double valve type low pressure cylinder valve in steam turbine into Inverted U single single butterfly valve type in low-pressure cylinder,the transformation systematic analysis of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics is analyzed.The result proves that the throttle loss significantly is eliminated.Under TRL condition,the coal consumption of power generation unit decreases by 0.641 7 g/kWh,and the power generation capacity improves by 0.614 4 MW.This scheme is suitable for the old 300 MW unit of Shanghai Steam Purbine Plant widely,and will realize big economic and social benefits
Electronic image stabilizing method research for developing image in omni-directional camera system

ZHU Qi-dan,MA Hong-ye,ZUO Xiao-xiang,

计算机应用研究 , 2009,
Abstract: The paper deeply researched implementation method on the solution algorithm of omni-directional vison image and stabilizing image, and proposed an image stabilizing method of omni-directional camera system which was based on the electronic stabilizing algorithm of gray projection.This system was composed of omni-directional devices,CCD,image gathering card and computer, implemented the software programming through VC++ based on DirectShow platform. According to the analysis results,this method is a reasonable one of electronic image stabilizing for omni-directional camera system,which is characteristic of quickspeed and acurracy.
地质与勘探 , 2000,
Abstract: 详细地论述了该工程永久性抗浮锚桩施工工艺的全过程,并对试验中出现的一些问题进行了分析。

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